Aquasnap windows 10
Aquasnap windows 10

AquaSnap is clean, easy to install and easy to uninstall. It uses very little memory and nearly no CPU.

aquasnap windows 10

Shake a window and this window will stay always on top.ĪquaSnap is 100% composed of highly optimized native code, with no compromise on stability and performance. Drag this window to a corner, it will be snapped to fit one quarter. Drag a window to the border of desktop and this window will be snapped and resized to fit one half of the screen. Also it lets you to set windows to remain on top, stretch windows and more.ĪquaSnap makes the window management much more ergonomic. It gives you the possibility to snap windows to the edges or to the corners of the desktop. AquaSnap is a free desktop manager that greatly enhances the way you can arrange windows on your Desktop.

Aquasnap windows 10